The Deeper Sickness
One man looks healthy
in his tie that sparkles
and his eyes that smile
as he preaches smoothly
about the hard things of life
in a sermon written in a mansion
Another man looks sick
dressed in the ruins of his life
the perfect picture of a victim
waiting to be taken
if anyone wanted to bother
despite the glorious images
of the good looking celebrities many like to worship
children still eat crumbs
and drunks still stagger in the street
behind the pleasant teachings
delivered in the crystal cathedrals
of business and religion
that distract believers from the need to change
lingers the ugly problem of pain
the growling beast of sin
the masses of the forsaken
that need seeking
but maybe the sickest patients
are the ones who say that there is nothing wrong with this
everything is okay just the way it is
as long as we look healthy
saying nice things is better than the trouble
that comes from being changed by the truth
swimming on the surface is safer
than diving into a deeper reality
pretending to be happy is easier
than being filled with joy
looking Holy is more profitable than embracing the tension
that the patients who find healing
begin by admitting that the reality of the sickness
that hides within