Going With the Flow
When society begins to swell with pride
like a stream being filled from a sewer
it is easy to divide people into groups of bad
and those of us who are far better
even though our pants are falling down around our ankles
we worry that those other people aren’t dressed well enough
or that they aren’t as healthy
as those of us who never come in out of the pouring rain
without a government mandate
or listening to an expert explain to us the dangers of getting wet
when we embrace the safety of segregation
we can be confident that we know far more
about someone else’s personal situation
than the radical who sits with the broken
that nobody else wants to love
(those idiots that think
without even being told what to think
the ones who don’t fit into our crowd
waiting in a line at Walmart
for a cashier who will never come)
the real danger lies with those outside the mainstream
we are being swept along
the ones who dare to question
those who should never be questioned
about where we are going
those who wonder if we should be looking for a way to get to the shore
asking foolish things like
would our boat would be better off with a paddle
or does that hole in the bottom mean trouble
those wild eyed radicals always muttering about the waterfall
just down this lovely river
raging with the stench of wastewater