Evil is Boring (Be Good)
By all accounts, Hitler was a boring man off stage…so were many of the Nazis. So, also other sinister people like Pol Pot and the like were actually bland, unimaginative people presiding over dreary, humorless collectives.
We see these sorts of people hard at work today as well. They want us to be ashamed of the unique gifts God gave us and the colors with which we are painted. They want everyone to be exactly the same, one big bowl of sickening, tasteless gruel.
The want to be enraged at the success of other people. To blame them for our own shortcomings. This can lead us to revolution but it can never lead us to freedom.
Bitterness and envy only trap us in a prison of discontent. Contentment and peace are born within, when we make peace with with our Creator and the way that we were created.
The universe came into being without us and will continue on perfectly fine without us…it isn’t about us.
The true revolution must begin in our homes with the renewing of our minds and the discovery of our divine purpose.
When we are prisoners of pride, we feel threatened by the success of others.
When we are truly at peace, we are free from the stress of trying to please the crowd…we can celebrate the imagination of others…we can find joy when someone else succeeds and we don’t.
The ones who succeed in in turn have the opportunity to pull the rest of us up after them.
Do people do this? Sadly, not very often. People in power abuse their position. Still, forgiveness sets a soul free from the hamster wheel of blame.
We must learn from the past but we must not pitch our tent in the fields of jealousy and bitterness. It is always time to move on to bigger and better things.
A culture where no one is allowed to stand out is generally a culture of people who are all equally miserable. (Except the great leader and his pals.)
Don’t be ashamed to use the gifts God gave you for the benefit of others. Don’t hesitate to celebrate the success of other people.
Is peace of mind and contentment worth the cost of releasing the anger and bitterness?
Is a life of happiness and freedom worth the cost of surrendering the burden of envy?
Instead of being jealous that some other artist/player/person made it and you didn’t…be glad that you still have peace and quiet…that you have time to be with your family. The ones who make it big often wish that they had the little things you take for granted.
Instead of grumbling that you aren’t a big man like so and so…be glad that you stuck to your diet and are still in shape!
Instead of complaining that you don’t have the same opportunities that so and so does…why not use that energy to make the most of the opportunities that you do have?
It may only be a small step but many small steps still get you further ahead than sitting around and grumbling does.
Instead of being ashamed of who you are and the gifts that you have, thank God for the way He made you. You have unique talents and are placed in a unique place in the world. You may not be able to change the whole world but you might be able to change your small part of it. Why not try and see what happens?
Who is richer? The poor man content with what he has or the rich man who still lusts for more?
Who is the most effective? The one who has great talent but never uses it…or the one who uses what little talent they have for great good?
Which is better? Forced conformity to a system of rules or a community of people who respect each other for who they are?
How can we truly thrive if we submit to the tedium of evil? God wants us to use our energies, passions and imaginations for good! Don’t let yourself become boring and bland. Be unique and colorful…be salty in a world that desperately needs some flavor!
(Don’t be boring like Hitler.)