Don’t Be a Prisoner of Someone Else’s Imagination.
Fearful people want control.
Jealous people want what you have.
Religious people want to regulate the way you behave.
However, a relationship based on love brings you freedom. You behave, not because of a list of rules, but because you love them, you don’t want to offend the one who loves you. In return, the one who really loves you wants you to live to your full potential. Because they love you, for you, they want you to be the best at what you are and they aren’t threatened by your freedom…because in a healthy situation, in a divine relationship, each party wants the best for the other.
Today live in the freedom and grace you have been given.
Stop trying to please everyone…some people will never be impressed with anything except themselves.
Walk away from those who proclaim human regulations in the name of a God they don’t even know. Because if they really knew a God who created the majesty of the entire universe, they would realize life isn’t about themselves in their own list of rules.
Some people will imagine the worst if you live like this.
However, you are not responsible for what other people imagine about you. Some people have vivid imaginations and are experienced storytellers.
Still, the truth remains the same, you are not a character in their long running fantasy series.
You have your own story to write.
If there a real problem that needs to be addressed, other people also have a responsibility to bring it to your attention…and responsible people listen when concerns are raised…and once the real problem is brought to light, it can be dealt with responsibly.
Until then…don’t let fear of other people’s imaginings stop you from living in the reality of divine freedom.
Don’t let the idle gossip of idle humans stop you from being busy doing what you know that God wants you to do.
Your mission is to fill the pages of your own life with things worth reading. Don’t let yourself become a prisoner of someone else’s narrow imagination…that is a rocky road to travel…and that road goes off in places you really really don’t want to go…