Alternatives to Babylon
We could let ourselves burn with rage
shaking our fists at the world
working the works of war
and receiving handfuls of ashes as our wages
or we could splash in the pool of peace
offered by God
we could climb the mountains of pride
and toiling for attention
taking ourselves seriously even though we are only standing on a mole hill
or we could enjoy the oasis
where the humble rest
we could believe that we are really going places
entangling ourselves in a web of wishful thinking
and all the lies that blind us
to the reality that we aren’t really moving
or we could exchange our fools paradise
for the palace of wisdom
we could bow to the glittering idol of entertainment
praying to a spray painted statue that takes our money
and gives us nothing
but a fading illusion
or we could drink in the beauty of truth
the fountain of the Spirit that brings us healing
there is a better world beyond this trash strewn city
of babylon
we are supposed to love living in
even though we would be better off moving on