A Better Way

Kelvin Bueckert
2 min readJan 8, 2021

A version of the beatitudes for Children. Obviously, for people who like serious theological study, there is much more to be mined from the beatitudes. However, perhaps there is a time for simple truth.

The world that the wisdom of adults has created is one where experts lie without flinching…politicians say whatever they think will get them approval…and billionaires get ever richer as the common people are forced to lose everything.

Is it any wonder that people lash out in violence? However, violence leads to more violence. Becoming the monster in an effort to defeat a monster, still leaves us with at least one monster.

Politicians can’t create a policy to soften the hatred in a human heart.

It seems that experts are only experts at offering reasons why we aren’t allowed to do the same things that they themselves do.

Billionaires pay millions to public relations firms in order to be seen as saviors even as they are picking the pockets of those they are supposedly saving.

If this is really the height of human wisdom…the work of mature adults, maybe we need to become like children.

Maybe we need to regain our innocence and our long lost simple faith in simple truth.

The beatitudes were said over two thousand years ago by Jesus…if everyone took them to heart, would our lives, our homes, and our communities be a better place?

Maybe it’s time to set aside our faith in celebrities, televangelists, and the latest political scheme that is just a rehash of something that has never worked. Maybe we need to get back to the simple truths that have been proven over thousands of years. Maybe this is a crazy idea, but where we are now is pretty crazy, isn’t it?




It’s time to stop being crazy. Seriously.

There is a better way.



Kelvin Bueckert

Lives and writes on the plains of Manitoba, Canada…he is an actor, writer, and has also been known to peddle books on his website…www.kelvinbueckert.com